Nutrition Education

When it comes to nutrition a healthy eating plan is key for improving health and meeting wellness goals. In today’s world, “healthy eating” can be very confusing and overwhelming, not everyone has the same needs or goals when it comes to nutrition.
Whether you are interested in one of our surgical or non-surgical programs here at NWWC, our registered dietitian can help guide you through this maze of information and create the right nutrition plan for your body. Our team specializes in helping you fuel your body to achieve weight loss as well as guide you to the foods that are right for exercising at optimal levels, managing food sensitivities, and reducing risk for chronic disease.
Our registered dietitian team has years of experience which is used to establish a plan for optimizing your nutrition intake so you can feel and look your best. Along with nutrition counseling and education, they will also conduct nutrition assessments and provide medical nutrition therapy. Whether your appointment is virtual or in person, our RD staff will support and work closely with you to discuss ideas and challenges, and provide you with the information and guidance needed to navigate your way through this journey.
The goal is to build meaningful relationships with her patients and help create that path to improved health throughout your weight loss journey.