Weight Loss Surgery Revision

When patients feel dissatisfied with the outcome of a bariatric surgery procedure, weight loss surgery revision by our experts Seattle, Spokane, and Everett may be the solution.
Most often when undergoing bariatric surgery, patients are successful with weight loss and maintenance. Over time, however, if you are distracted from maintaining your weight loss efforts or if circumstances change in your health and life, it is possible to experience weight regain. If this happens to you, do not feel ashamed or think you are a failure. This is the time to contact us so we can discuss how we can help you.

Reasons for Weight Loss Surgery Revision
There are a number of reasons a person may pursue weight loss revision surgery:
- They have not lost as much weight as they hoped to
- They have regained some or all of the weight they lost after bariatric surgery
- They experienced complications from a previous weight loss surgery, including surgical complications, gastrointestinal conditions, or nutritional problems
Patients who undergo bariatric revision surgery frequently enjoy an improved quality of life in addition to improvement or resolution of obesity comorbidities such as Type 2 diabetes and
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Revisional Bariatric Surgery: Focus on Quality of Life
Chew CAZ, Shabbir A
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high blood pressure.
That said, weight loss surgery revision may not be the right solution for every patient who has not achieved their weight loss goals.
Make Healthy Changes Before Considering Surgery
In cases where a person has not lost adequate weight, has plateaued, or has regained weight after surgery, it is important to evaluate the source of the issue. Patients may become complacent in their diet and exercise routines after weight loss surgery, and can often see good results when they resume healthy habits and lifestyle changes. Before considering bariatric surgery revision, we encourage patients address to take steps to reverse weight gain and lose excess weight, like:
- Maintain a food journal or use an app to track food and calorie intake
- Consult a dietitian
- Stop indulging in “cheat meals”
- Eat a diet primarily of lean proteins and vegetables
- Drink lots of water to stay hydrated, while avoiding sugary drinks
- Maintain a regular exercise schedule
- Adopt a healthy sleep schedule and sleep hygiene
When patients embrace healthy eating and lifestyle changes and still encounter inadequate weight loss, it may be time to consider revisional weight loss surgery.

Weight Loss Surgery Revision Procedures
Bariatric surgery revision procedures may resolve complications from a previous weight loss surgery, and may also help patients achieve long-term weight loss. Our expert bariatric surgeons perform a number of laparoscopic revisional weight loss procedures designed to help patients get back on track.
Gastric Bypass Revision
During gastric bypass (Roux-en-Y or RYGB) surgery, the size of the stomach is greatly reduced to form a small gastric pouch and a new connection to the small intestine is created to promote metabolic changes that lead to weight loss. In some cases, the stomach may stretch due to overeating after weight loss surgery. The new connection to the small intestine, called the stoma, can also stretch over time and make it easier for a patient to overeat and gain weight. During gastric bypass revision surgery, the stoma is tightened so that patients can resume their weight loss journey with success.
Gastric Sleeve Revision
During gastric sleeve (sleeve gastrectomy) surgery, the size of the stomach is reduced to roughly the size of a banana. This means that patients are able to eat much less food before they feel full, and it also reduces production of hunger hormones so patients experience fewer cravings. Sometimes, patients gradually begin to eat more food after gastric sleeve surgery, so their stomach sleeve stretches. When this happens, we perform gastric sleeve revision surgery to tighten the sleeve so that patients can feel fuller after eating less food.
Gastric Band Revision
Our doctors helped pioneer Lap-band® surgery, and many of our patients have successfully maintained a healthy weight years after gastric banding. However, Lap-band surgery does have higher complication rates than other bariatric procedures that have become more
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High failure rate of the laparoscopic-adjustable gastric band as a primary bariatric procedure
Kindel T, Martin E, Hungness E, Nagle A
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popular in recent years.
Lap-band complications may include:
- Band slippage
- Unsatisfactory weight loss
- Weight regain
- Band intolerance or related complications
- Heartburn
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Acid reflux
- Esophageal issues
Gastric banding is the only weight loss surgery we perform that involves the implantation of a medical device, which means that the band itself may need to be maintained or subject to issues. In addition to Lap-band management, we also offer Lap-band removal and revision surgery.

Lap-band to Gastric Sleeve Revision Surgery
During “band to sleeve” surgery, the Lap-band is removed and part of the stomach is removed so a patient feels full after eating much less food.
Lap-band to Gastric Bypass Revision Surgery
This procedure begins with Lap-band removal. During the next phase of “band to bypass” surgery, part of the stomach is removed and the small intestine is rerouted to reduce calorie absorption.
Lap-band to Duodenal Switch Revision Surgery
“Band to switch” surgery begins with the removal of the Lap-band. Next, a large portion of the stomach is removed to create a much smaller stomach pouch and the intestine is rerouted. We perform an updated version of duodenal switch surgery called single anastomosis duodenal switch (SADI-S), which can minimize risks and help our patients recover faster.
FAQs about Weight Loss Surgery Revision
Who is a candidate for revisional weight loss surgery?
If you have experienced insufficient weight loss, weight regain, or complications after a weight loss procedure, you may be interested in revisional bariatric surgery. Good candidates for weight loss surgery revision have a BMI of more than 40, or a BMI of between 35 and 40 with comorbidities such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea.
Is revisional weight loss surgery right for me?
If you are experiencing any adverse side effects or symptoms, please contact us so we can discuss your situation with you, next steps and develop a plan together with you. We will meet with you to discuss your concerns, symptoms, and health status. Our surgeons can then advise you on what your best options are on an individual basis.
Everybody has a different set of circumstances, so we will take everything into consideration from your medical history, current state of health, lifestyle, and personal preferences.
Does insurance cover weight loss revision surgery?
Insurance providers may evaluate a patient’s medical history as well as the type of weight loss procedure they underwent when approving coverage of revisional surgery. Many plans do cover revisional weight loss surgery: our team can help you learn more about your plan and coverage. To get started, please fill out our Free Insurance Check form.
What if my weight loss surgery revision is not covered by insurance?
At Northwest Weight and Wellness Center, we believe that each of our patients deserves a chance to live their healthiest life. If you are considering paying out-of-pocket for your revisional surgery, we can help you learn more about self-pay pricing and financing options.
Contact Us
If you have experienced insufficient weight loss results after bariatric surgery or if you have experienced complications after a weight loss procedure, you may be a candidate for weight loss surgery revision. We have helped patients from Seattle, Spokane, Everett, and nearby areas achieve success. To learn more, contact us today to schedule a consultation.
1 Chew CAZ, Shabbir A. Revisional Bariatric Surgery: Focus on Quality of Life. J Obes Metab Syndr. 2017 Jun;26(2):97-101. doi: 10.7570/jomes.2017.26.2.97. Epub 2017 Jun 30. PMID: 31089502; PMCID: PMC6484905. Available: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6484905/. Accessed November 30, 2023.
2 Kindel T, Martin E, Hungness E, Nagle A. High failure rate of the laparoscopic-adjustable gastric band as a primary bariatric procedure. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2014 Nov-Dec;10(6):1070-5. doi: 10.1016/j.soard.2013.11.014. Epub 2013 Dec 6. PMID: 24630503. Available: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24630503/. Accessed November 30, 2023.