Lap Band Surgery

- What is LAP-BAND® Surgery?
- How Does Gastric Banding Work?
- Preparing for Surgery
- Your Bariatric Procedure
- Recovery After Surgery
- Alternatives to Gastric Band Surgery
- Gastric Band Compared to Other Types of Bariatric Surgery
- Frequently Asked Questions About Gastric Band
What is LAP-BAND® Surgery?
The LAP-BAND® is a silicone ring designed to be placed around the upper part of the stomach in a gastric banding procedure. This ring is adjustable through a port under the surface of the skin which is connected to a balloon encircling the inner surface of the silicone ring. Sterile saline solution is introduced through the port by a provider in our clinic in an outpatient setting, thereby reducing the diameter of the stomach opening. This procedure creates a new, small pouch in the stomach that can only hold a small amount of food, and you feel full sooner.

How Does Gastric Banding Work?
Laparoscopic adjustable gastric band involves implanting an adjustable gastric band around the stomach to promote weight loss by restricting the amount of food you can eat at one time. Unlike other surgeries, such as gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgery which alter the body’s hunger hormones, gastric banding does not have the same positive effect on the metabolic process. If you are seeking an effective long-term weight loss solution, but you aren’t sure which option is right for you, requesting a consultation can be a great way to learn more about weight loss surgery.
What to Expect with Lap Band Surgery
Preparing for Surgery
The first step is a consultation appointment with one of our experienced bariatric surgeons. Your doctor will review your medical history, discuss your goals and answer any questions you have about weight loss surgery. If you and your doctor decide that gastric band surgery is right for you, you’ll receive detailed pre-surgical instructions with one of our patient care coordinators.
The Lap Band Procedure
Gastric band surgery is typically an outpatient procedure performed with general anesthesia. Your surgeon will make a series of very small incisions in order to place the gastric band laparoscopically. At NWWC, bariatric procedures are performed at Sound Surgeons, which is our fully accredited specialized surgical center.
Recovery After Surgery
Patients typically resume day-to-day activities one to two weeks after surgery, although you may be restricted from strenuous activity for up to six weeks. Unlike other bariatric surgeries, gastric band patients require ongoing follow-up appointments for band maintenance.
Gastric Band Compared to Other Types of Bariatric Surgery
- Improvement of conditions such as Type 2 diabetes
- Decreased hunger
- Long-term weight loss
- Not reversible
- Potential for malnutrition
Alternatives to Gastric Band Surgery
Advances in medical science and research allow us to continually update our best practices. In the case of gastric banding surgery, while it was once very popular, most bariatric surgeons are now phasing out their use of this procedure. When it was first introduced, many surgeons and patients embraced it as a less invasive alternative to procedures such as gastric bypass. However, recent studies have shown that the high rate of complications associated with gastric band surgery combined with a lower than expected rate of weight loss make it a less effective tool than other types of bariatric surgery—specifically, studies report that
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High failure rate of the laparoscopic-adjustable gastric band as a primary bariatric procedure
Kindel T, Martin E, Hungness E, Nagle A
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approximately 44% of gastric band patients
do not reach their goal weight or they need to have the band removed due to complications.
Fortunately there are several tried-and-true bariatric procedures with proven track records of success that are suitable alternatives to gastric band surgery. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, commonly known as gastric sleeve, is currently the
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Which Bariatric Procedure Is the Most Popular in the World?
Ozsoy Z, Demir E
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most popular bariatric surgery
and it offers many benefits. For patients with higher levels of obesity or obesity-related medical conditions, gastric bypass or duodenal switch may offer the most health benefits. Gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, and duodenal switch all have one very important feature that gastric banding lacks—they each initiate metabolic changes and reduce the body’s production of ghrelin which is a hormone that causes cravings. Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all answer for weight loss, which is why our surgeons take time during your consultation appointment to determine which option is best for you.
Frequently Asked Questions About Gastric Band
What kind of complications do people experience with gastric band surgery?
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Gastric Band Surgery
Cleveland Clinic
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Complications or side effects
that can occur after gastric band surgery include:
- Band malfunctions, such as band slippage, leakage, or infection
- Band intolerance, in which the body has a negative reaction to a foreign object in the body
- Stomach blockages, in which food gets stuck in the outlet between the stomach pouch above the band and the lower stomach
- Port complications, in which the access port under the skin malfunctions or becomes infected
- Constipation
- Dehydration
- Acid reflux
- Esophageal dilation
- Failure to lose weight
Am I a candidate for bariatric surgery?
There are a number of factors that determine if you are a candidate for bariatric surgery, including your weight, body mass index (BMI), and medical history. Our highly experienced bariatric team will review your individual information and review all options with you in order to create a treatment plan that is custom-tailored to meet your needs.
Are there revision procedures available for gastric band patients?
Yes, many patients who had gastric band surgery and experienced complications or failed to lose weight will opt for a revision procedure. At NWWC, our surgeons can remove your gastric band and perform another surgery, such as gastric sleeve, to help you reach your weight loss goals.
Contact Northwest Weight & Wellness Center
If you have any questions about gastric band surgery, gastric band maintenance, or weight loss options, we are here to help! Request a consultation.
1 Kindel T, Martin E, Hungness E, Nagle A. High failure rate of the laparoscopic-adjustable gastric band as a primary bariatric procedure. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2014 Nov-Dec;10(6):1070-5. doi: 10.1016/j.soard.2013.11.014. Epub 2013 Dec 6. PMID: 24630503.
2 Ozsoy Z, Demir E. Which Bariatric Procedure Is the Most Popular in the World? A Bibliometric Comparison. Obes Surg. 2018 Aug;28(8):2339-2352. doi: 10.1007/s11695-018-3163-6. Erratum in: Obes Surg. 2018 Mar 16;: PMID: 29512038.
3 Cleveland Clinic. Gastric Band Surgery. Available:–band-surgery#risks–benefits Accessed June 6, 2022